Weird Cultures: Destination Namibia

Photo credit: Suresh Krishna

In Northern Namibia, there are about 50,000 people living in the Kunene and Omusati regions. They are nomads whose activities includes men hunting for a long period at a time while the women mainly milk their cows and take care of their children. One’s wealth is usually estimated by how many cows owned.
Their bodies are covered by a paste call Otjize which gives their skin a distinctive red colour. As well as being decorative, this prevents insect bites and it’s a native sun screen.
Photo credit: Trevor Cole/Barcroft Images

In regards matrimony, polygamy is often practiced. Early marriages are the norm where girls are married off by their fathers as soon as they get to puberty.
 But, one of the most interesting thing about the Ovahimba and Ovazimba tribes in these regions is an age long culture called Okujepisa Omukazendu. This tradition has defied all forms of westernization and its influences.                                               
When a guest comes knocking at the door, the husband offers his wife as a gift. The wife spends the night with the visitor while the husband sleeps in another room. He will sleep outside if there is no more room available.
However, the wife can refuse to sleep with the guest but must stay the night with him in the same room. Also, she can offer her friends to the husband when they come visiting but this rarely happens.

Women are known to be very submissive to their partners and not express their opinions, it is a male dominated society.
